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How I Create My Posts for the Blog

I work, I study, and I run a blog. Sometimes all of this seems easy to do, sometimes I totally screw up and I end up doing nothing. But I would say, most of the time it works out. HOW? That is what I am here to talk about. How do I produce so much content while working and studying at the same time?

1. No social media and very little internetEvery 3 months I take 3-5 days off

I read, I exercise, I eat, and I write. I try to produce all content for the following school quarter because I know once school starts, I get very busy.

I have a notebook with all my ideas and when break comes, I sit down and type everything I have in my mind. Everything arrives at late hours and unexpected moments, so I always have the notebook on my bed side table. If I don’t have paper or pen around, I just type on my phone.

During these 3 to 5 days, I produce about 10 pieces of long content – articles for the blog, for my LinkedIn or even other platforms.

2. Review of the texts

Once I have written and re-read my texts, I send them to Jesus who kindly reviews all my pieces and helps me a lot with grammar and English mistakes. I am very grateful to have his support. Once I have that, I add the article to the WordPress and do the editing. I don’t like this part, but it must be done.

edit blog posts
edit blog posts

3. Edit and make things beautiful

What exactly is editing:

  • colors: I have defined my code color: Can you guess what are the two main colors I use?
  • titles, italic, bold
  • and pictures.

I don’t take pictures for the blog anymore. Mostly because it was very much time consuming and often, I would not post an article because I didn’t have pictures. Writing was never my problem. Not having pictures WAS. I do not have a camera and most of the time I cannot go outside to take pictures (my past year was busy at school). So, I looked for a free bank of photos. Today, I use Unsplash. They have AMAZING pictures. These pictures make my posts look way more professional, beautiful, and it literally saves me so much time (the only thing I do, I mention the author of each picture at the end of my posts).

4. Share it

Finally, I share it. I usually share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and sometimes LinkedIn. I always try to share in the morning and I always reply to comments and likes. Keeping the interaction is important. Not many people read anymore so I appreciate when friends take the time.

Overall: Most of my posts take about 1-2 hours to be produced. Of course, it depends on the content and if I need to do research, but I would say 2 hours at maximum.

Hope this was helpful.


Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash &  Andrew Neel on Unsplash


  1. Jesus Jesus

    This was pretty helpful for me. Thanks for the tips. I like how you keep it old school and use a pen and notebook to write down ideas. I haven’t used a notebook in years.

    • Yes!!! Paper is still my best friend! I will stop by to check your last post 🎉 so excited for you.

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